
Identity in peril

The point of America has been to forge a new “American” culture. Unless a common purpose bind us together, manufactured hostilities and forced lifestyles will drive us away. We have one of the richest nations on Earth and the world beats at the door to get in; yet we tear ourselves apart. In the past the United States has had a vigorous sense of national identity that accounts for our relative success in converting “promiscuous breeds” into a free republic.

The historic idea of a unifying American identity is now in peril in many arenas – in our politics, economics, media, our voluntary organizations, our churches, even our languages. In no arena is the rejection of an overriding national identity more critical than in our system of education.

Schools and colleges of the republic train the citizens of the future. What students are taught in schools affect the way they will conceive the purposes of the republic. This debate of national identity is about what it means to be an American citizen and the responsibilities this brings.

We have “drag queens” communist, race-baiters, and the militant politically correct tearing apart one community after another and we cannot look with complacency at proposals of tolerance. The burden to preserve American exceptionalism, our national identity, our children’s liberty and safety does not fall exclusively on the courts or “authorities.” The historic forces driving toward liberty and the pursuit of happiness have not lost their power. We the People can resist the destruction of our institutions and the programming of our children and continue to avoid extremes in our arguments and actions.

We can no longer build a wall around ourselves and retire within it in safety. Our enemy will tunnel and probe for you and your family. The adversaries are arriving disguised and armed with the race-card, lifestyle choice statements, promises of economic simplicity and have fortified themselves with the idea of our tolerance, concern of ridicule and our acceptance of unspecific self-deprecations.

A certain segment of society have permitted themselves to be influenced and have refused to clearly see the dangers confronting our country. Only genuine resistance, the checks and balances provided by the people, will open their eyes. Stop avoiding the obvious conflict and repulsive behaviors under the guise of “understanding” … “tolerance” … “choice” …these are weaponized words that have a different meaning to your enemy. Honor, pride, and courage, united as a people, we will prevail. Join your fellow citizens without regard to the enemies’ labels, shields of lies, and forged cultures. The battle is there in public with honest words, positive ideas, selfless action.
Maj. Timothy “Piper” Brown
California State Militia
2nd Reg., Commanding