
Letter of support

It was both interesting and disappointing to read the recent Grand Jury report. Who in their right state of mind would ever advocate for DEI in Mariposa County, or in fact for any other area of this great country where our freedoms are guaranteed in our Constitution? A huge thank you to Wendy Brown-Barry for her recent letter-to-editor defining what DEI represents.

For the Grand Jury to state a lack of diversity, equity and inclusion as an issue inside our County certainly prompts the need of an extensive conversation. What exactly prompted this complaint?

“Equity” is the same as the Communist Manifesto’s: “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” It is extremely alarming to hear of such a complaint in this somewhat “tight knit” community where fairness and equality have always prevailed. If whoever provided the complaint to the Grand Jury feels so strongly about the subject perhaps they will come forward and advise the rest of us of their concerns.

I do appreciate the freedoms our Constitution guarantees, and am so grateful for the sacrifices made by others to guarantee those freedoms. Thanks once again Wendy for bringing this subject to our attention. All of us should give serious consideration to the constant suggestions that occur in all activities regarding our government.
Ruth Sellers, Mariposa