
Lushmeadows Lights will ignite holiday spirits on Dec. 15

What if there was a sprawling subdivision in the foothills of the Sierra that embraced the traditional Christmas spirit by illuminating residences and sharing the holiday atmosphere with fellow members of Mariposa County?

There is! Lushmeadows.

The Lushmeadows Lights holiday home decorating contest has evolved into a treasured community event.

This year the fourth annual celebration will step off on Friday, Dec.15 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The Lushmeadows subdivision is located on Triangle Road about a half mile from the Darrah Road intersection.

Lushmeadows Lights was birthed in 2020, amid the Covid 19 pandemic.

“The world was upside down. The Christmas Parade in town was canceled, everything was canceled and closed. I just felt a deep need to create a safe gathering of people to celebrate the holiday,” said event organizer Amber Blalock who spearheaded the event’s origin.

A group of the Woodland Elementary Boosters went door-to-door throughout the Lushmeadows community asking residents to decorate their homes for Christmas.

“The first year was unimaginable. We had hundreds of cars backed up on Triangle Road in both directions, and we even raised a little money for the Boosters club,” Blalock explained.

“We didn’t have any permits or liability insurance or anything that first year. We just wanted to see if it was a viable idea, and it has really taken off.

Lushmeadows Lights has now become a glowing tradition that brings out the very fiber of our community spirit. We invite the entire community to be part of spreading Christmas joy and enjoy the lights, laughter and tradition with their family,” added Blalock.

“Every year, families come out to enjoy the Christmas lights, vote on their favorites, and connect with their loved ones at the food truck court with yummy food, warm drinks, and festive cheer. The heart behind this event, which was birthed during the 2020 pandemic, is to bring the community together to celebrate holiday traditions and to raise funds for students at Woodland Elementary School,” she added.
Blalock stated, “This wouldn’t be possible without all the effort of the boosters group, specifically Erica Marlin, Kelly Harris, Kim Allison, Julie Beery, Michele Wiesenburger, and Jessica Stetten. Their efforts combined with the help of many sponsors, volunteers and helpers contribute to making this event as special as it is. They will all be recognized at the event and sponsors are listed on our sponsor banner.”

All proceeds from this classical Christmas season jamboree contribute to a fundraiser for Woodland Elementary School. The funds raised help purchase school supplies and physical education equipment, as well as helping to make field trips, educational assemblies, and other student support efforts possible.
Those who attend this free event can enjoy the food truck court, which will feature Pizza Factory, Dixon’s Fixin’s, Sal’s Tacos, and Mariposa Pops. Plus there is drive-through hot cocoa available. In addition, for the youngsters, there’s a Letters to Santa Station.

A professionally prepared map, which is handed out by firefighters, is provided for touring the neighborhood. Votes can be cast online via a QR code or with a traditional paper ballot in three different home decorating categories, including Best Overall, Most Interactive, and Best Theme.

Different levels of sponsorships are available this year for businesses or families, and those participating sponsors receive recognition. To become a sponsor email [email protected], or call (559) 760-9988.

Lushmeadows residents can enter the competition for a small fee. The last day to register is Friday, Dec. 8 at

The winner of the Best Overall balloting will receive a trophy and $100 cash. The Best Theme winner lands a trophy and free entrance into next year’s event, as does the winner of the Most Interactive category.

Financial contributions can be sent to 5730 Glacier Point, Mariposa, CA 95338. Checks should be made out to Woodland Elementary Boosters. To donate online, go to