
‘Plant-A-Row’ Program takesa bite out of local food insecurity

Contributed by Michele Nowak-Sharkey,
UC Master Gardener of Mariposa County

A total of 4,200+ pounds of produce were distributed during the spring/summer growing season to organizations that address food insecurity. This was done through the Plant-A-Row program run by the UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County.
The Plant-A-Row program (PAR) functions as a liaison between people who grow produce, such as local farmers and home gardeners with extra veggies in their garden, and distributes that produce to organizations such as Manna House, Mariposa Senior Services, The Alliance for Community Transformations, and Heritage House.
In 2023, the Plant-A-Row program increased the number of organizations receiving produce. PAR welcomed MiWu-Mati Healing Center, Idle Wheels Senior Mobile Home Park, Mount Bullion Conservation Camp, Mariposa Family Resource Center, Set Free Church, and Mountain Crisis Services.
PAR was grateful to collect produce once again from the Mariposa Farmers Market vendors: Raw Roots Farm in Catheys Valley; Shasky Farms of Le Grand; Serrano Farms; also in Le Grand; and the House of Greens in Fresno. This year the Farm at Worman Mill in Mariposa joined in the giving.
In addition, Happy Goat Farm of Mariposa and Rancho de Rodney in Fresno helped increase the yearly pounds distributed from 900 pounds in 2022 to the 4,200 pounds in 2023. Food stuffs were also collected from local home gardeners who brought their extra produce to the Master Gardeners Farmers Market table each week.
The UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County want to thank all those that contributed to the success of this year’s program and also want to encourage gardeners in the area, as they plan their plots for next year, to consider planting an extra row or two for the hungry. In addition, if you have orchards that have excess produce at the close of the season and you would like to contribute, please contact the Master Gardeners program office (209) 966-7078 to discuss available options.
The PAR program is a community effort to address food insecurity.
UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County office is at 5009 Fairgrounds Road. Visit our website at Gardener/ and Facebook page (UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County) for more gardening information and events. UC Master Gardeners staff a Helpline which serves Mariposa County, including Greeley Hill, Coulterville, and Lake Don Pedro (209)-966-7078 or [email protected]). Listen to us on the radio at KRYZ 98.5 Mariposa on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. and Saturdays at 5 p.m.