
New CEO takes over at Fremont Hospital

After an exhaustive nationwide search and a dozen initial interviews, the John C.
Fremont Healthcare District Board of Directors’ Chair Wendy Ryder-Priola has announced the selection of a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Michael Zimmerman took over the post on Dec. 21.

Zimmerman arrived from rural Arizona and has been looking for a home in the area when his wife retires this June.

“His extensive background in hospitals in rural areas with rural health clinics, along with experience in hospital construction, made him the perfect fit,” stated Ryder-Priola.

Zimmerman was one of three final candidates who made a visit to Mariposa to meet with community members, medical staff, department heads, and employees, and undergo a final in-person interview with the board of directors. Each group was invited to offer feedback on the potential candidates.

The contract with the healthcare district calls for Zimmerman to be paid an annual salary of $275,000 a year. He will also be reimbursed up to $25,000 in moving expenses after moving receipts are presented to the healthcare district. In addition, there is a built-in retention bonus of $5,000 per year for the next four years.

During his interview, Zimmerman committed to staying until a year after the new hospital is constructed. To comply with California state law (SB1953) for seismic upgrades, new hospitals throughout California must be built or retrofitted to comply with new construction standards by 2030.

Mariposa County residents approved Measure “O” in 2022 to provide funding for the construction.
Zimmerman has already met with representatives of the USDA who were onsite for a visit prior to approving funding for construction of the new hospital. Selection of an architect is expected to happen late winter or early spring.