
MCLL releases Major and Minor All-Star lists

The Mariposa County Little League (MCLL) organization has released the players named as All-Stars within the Majors and Minors divisions, as well as naming a few honorary players.

The Giants were this season’s champions in the Major League division. Players named to the All-Star list were Weston Beery, Hayden Parker, Brody Bean, James Marlin, Carter Cramer, Grayson Fernandez, Teague Fouch, Conner Knauf, Steven McGrady, Wyatt Nelson, Flint Trygsland, and Sequoia Fitzhenry. They are coached by Jeremiah Beery.

This year’s Minor League pennant went to the Rangers. Minor League players named All-Stars include Levi Beery, Aidan Dunsworth, Bowdee Quinlan, Jace Wight, Hayden Harper, Tanner Dudley, Mason Sainz, Everett Atkinson, Grady Atkinson, Bryce Scroggins, and Bodie Fouch. The Minors are coached by Will Atkinson.

The MCLL also named Honorary 50/70 All-Stars. That list includes Brody Leonard, Connor Leonard, Cooper Wight, Byron Walker, Ronan Davenport, Andrew Moffitt, Sebastian Soto, Connor Knaugh, Ty Ballinger, Kason Krull, and Jaxson Canter.

The MCLL also thanked all of its dedicated coaches, umpires and volunteers, as well as it financial sponsors. The league also noted donation sponsors this year including Mariposa Sanitation, which ensured the league had facilities all season; Mariposa Sign & Print; Mariposa Lions Club; and Mariposa County Parks and Recreation for all of its help and coordination of facilities.