
Challenges Report

Challenges Report
I read with interest the Grand Jury’s report in the July 13 issue of the localnewspaper. I am especially concerned about the writer’s report stating that the Grand Jury members “cite a lack of diversity within county government.”

The ideology of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, DEI, has now found its way into our county, our volunteer committees, and now our government. Most of this article consists of quotes from the Grand Jury. I appreciate the writer’s reporting on it because the Grand jury is using equity and equality interchangeably throughout this article as though they meant the same thing, but they do not.

The word equality is the state or quality of being equal. We as Americans, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion have the right to vote, the right to free speech, the right to bear arms etc. Our U.S Constitution legally establishes these rights for all Americans. We have equality because no one can be legally denied these rights.

The word equity is more complicated because you are trying to do something in a way that is fair or impartial. Because people often disagree on what is just or fair, laws and policies that attempt to achieve equity are often highly controversial. Affirmative Action aimed to achieve equity in employment and education by favoring some groups over others. The use of these methods created inequality in their hiring and academic admission policies.

DEI is diversity, equity (not equality), and inclusion. Because of its controversial nature, I believe this is why our board of supervisors has chosen not to make a proclamation about Pride Month, and I support this decision.

Their job is to stick to the business of running the county. They are non-partisan public servants. We pay them to make our lives better. We don’t pay for them to rule us or to try to change our mind about things.

The Grand Jury states that “the lack of DEI in our county hinders progress in this area,” and also mentions “resistance to change.”

There are many citizens in Mariposa County who strongly oppose DEI and therefore resist change in this area. “Monitoring and assessment” are also mentioned. We do not need this kind of control to make sure we are in lock step with this ideology.

It appears that the Grand Jury is creating a problem to solve by pushing the DEI agenda on us, which many of us feel is unnecessary. It is not the board of supervisors job to promote ideology. Our nation is based on equal opportunity, not equal outcome.

Wendy Brown, Mariposa