
Hatcher announcesDistrict 5 campaign

Rebecca Hatcher, a Mariposa native and community-driven leader, is excited to announce her candidacy for Mariposa County District 5 Supervisor. With a deep-rooted connection to the town, Hatcher aims to shape a prosperous future by fostering inclusivity, proactive leadership, and economic growth.
“Every Story, Every Voice: A Stronger Mariposa” is the cornerstone of Hatcher’s campaign. As a passionate advocate for community engagement, she pledges unwavering accessibility and responsiveness to constituents’ needs. Hatcher envisions a Mariposa where collective input shapes policies and every opinion matters.
Raised here in Mariposa, Hatcher’s commitment to her hometown shines through her diverse roles. As a local Realtor and co-owner of two Mariposa businesses, she understands the pulse of the community intimately. Her proven success in business, coupled with her experience as a mother and board member for several nonprofits, equips her with the skills needed for effective leadership.
Hatcher acknowledges Mariposa’s strengths and challenges. She acknowledges the importance of maintaining infrastructure, addressing housing shortages, supporting the youth, backing our law enforcement and fire employees, and preserving the town’s rich history. With a proactive approach that puts Mariposa first, she aims to tackle these issues head-on, right here at home, leveraging her successful background to drive progress.”Economic Development: Empowering Mariposa’s Future” is a focal point of Hatcher’s campaign. She envisions a town where economic growth aligns with community values. By fostering a welcoming environment for existing businesses and attracting new enterprises, Hatcher believes Mariposa can offer both a home and a fulfilling career to its residents.
On March 5th, 2024, Hatcher urges Mariposans to cast their vote and place their trust in her vision. With a track record of effective leadership, a passion for community growth, and a commitment to open dialogue, Hatcher is poised to lead Mariposa towards a brighter future.
Join Rebecca Hatcher in co-authoring the next chapter of Mariposa’s story. Together, let’s transform our small town into a thriving community that future generations proudly call home.