
‘All About the Wurst’ makes a ‘smashing’ debut in Mariposa’s mobile food service circle

Contributed by
Travis Blagg

Two and a half years ago, Brandon and Nix Hazzard were desiring a change, and that was to move from their hometown of San Diego. With their growing family of three young girls, the family was searching for a safer and more family-oriented community. After an incredible amount of research, they found that place, Mariposa.

Brandon was an ironworker who cooked for his fellow workers all along the road. Brandon desired a job where he could use his years of experience of cooking but be able to spend more time with his family. So, he retired and dove headfirst into the mobile food business.

When Nix did the research on places to settle, Mariposa was decided upon because of its beauty and small-town niceties, but also because of an apparent need for food vendors. The Hazzards started their operation, All About the Wurst, last August. They realized that they were getting into things a little late in the season but since then they have really begun to hit their stride. They’ve now notched serving at over 100 events into their belts.

Brandon was asked what the main challenge has been, and he immediately replied, “The weather!” The heat of the summer months and the precipitation during the winter have proven to be impediments to their business on several occasions. “You never know the unknown, the mountains, or the road. You meet a lot of great people along the way that help,” explained Brandon.

The Hazzard’s place a real value on the quality of their ingredients. Thankfully they are able to find them locally, most of the time. That dedication has led to their business becoming a staple at many local events all over the county. Nothing is frozen, freshness is always of paramount concern. The speed of service is also something that keeps customers coming back for more. Returning customers is key according to Brandon.

“All About the Wurst describes how we are anything but the traditional burger stand as our most popular smash burger is the ‘Wurst’ burger,” Brandon explained. Their signature burger, the smash burger, is a quarter pound smashed bratwurst patty, Muenster cheese and grilled onions. Brandon says it’s their secret “Wurst” sauce the onions are grilled in that is the key element.

“That is how I measure success. How many times a customer comes back. There have been times when we were at three events in a given week and had customers come to us all three times. That shows that we are doing something right,” related Brandon.

Even in its short existence as a quality mobile food option within Mariposa County, All About the Wurst has had some legendary stories of amazing customer service. “Lushmeadows Lights was a crazy night for us, we created 93 burgers in two hours. It was an amazing night,” recalled Brandon.

Though incredibly busy, the Hazzard’s understand a healthy balance. “I retired from ironworking because I was never home. I want to make sure that my family is with me and that we take the time away from the business for our family whenever we are able,” said Brandon.

When asked what advice he would give young, aspiring entrepreneurs, Brandon quickly responded, “Put in the work; make mistakes. From 99 mistakes you still learn 100 lessons. Put your head down and keep improving. Be reliable. If you said you are going to be there, be there. Let your word be your bond.”

All About the Wurst is not the only business that the Hazards have begun to provide to Mariposa County. Nix is also providing baked goods through her micro bakery, Sweetly Cured. Sweetly Cured can be followed on Facebook and Instagram @SweetlyCured. Nix provides baked goods and botanicals sourcing from the abundance that is all around in Mariposa County.

“Sweetly Cured was born just as the world shut down during the pandemic in 2020. My corporate career as an Applications Engineer had ended and I was a mom to a newborn, again. I found comfort in something I did naturally, baking. Word quickly got around and my business grew overnight. My customers were also seeking comfort during an unprecedented time and Sweetly Cured did just that,” Nix explained.

The Hazards aim to stay in Mariposa and to continue to provide the county with quality food served fresh and fast. The community appears to be glad to have such a hard-working and honest family doing business here. Follow All About the Wurst on Facebook and Instagram @WurstofYosemite.