Home Archive by category Lifestyles

Hagens have big dreams for their ranch and community

Contributed byTravis BlaggGreen rolling hills. Horses galloping by. Blue open sky. Hagen’s Ranch is an oasis nestled in the small, neighborly community of Catheys Valley. Charlie and Ashley Hagen have begun to develop this beautiful land into a mecca for horses and horse lovers alike. “We bought the property in November of 2023, and we […]

Helping Hands stands in the gap for young women

Where does a troubled, anxious young woman turn when she’s facing an unplanned pregnancy? In Mariposa County and in Oakhurst, she doesn’t have to face those challenges alone. Helping Hands Pregnancy and Parenting Center offers multiple resources to assist women of all ages. The Christian non-profit all-volunteer organization offers laboratory-quality pregnancy testing and