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JCF Hospital sets date for Black and White Ball

Submitted by Jill Harry After a successful relaunch last year, the John C. Fremont (JCF) Hospital Foundation Board has set the date for this year’s Black and White Ball. It will be held Saturday, Nov. 9, starting at 5 p.m. at the Mariposa Fairgrounds in Building A. “We shifted from our typical

Fundraiser supports equestrian groups

Contributed by Carol Suggs – Event Chair On June 30, the Mariposa Mountain Riders and Mariposa County Sheriff’s Posse hosted an Equestrian Obstacle Challenge Practice and Race. The event was a successful fundraiser for both organizations with 26 riders in the practice round and 19 riders participating in the competition. The Obstacle Challenge Race took […]

Grand jury unwraps troubling issues in JCF board functions

By R.D. Tucker For months upon months, Mariposa County’s John C. Fremont Healthcare District (JCFHCD) has been experiencing turmoil at the senior management levels, and many in the community believe the turmoil is an extension of a dysfunctional board of directors. According to the recently released final report of the Mariposa County Civil Grand Jury […]

Evacuees tell their tales of anxiously fleeing the French Fire

By R.D. Tucker & Sallee Gaines Lang Wildfire. That’s a term that Mariposa County residents are, unfortunately, very familiar with. In the last quarter of a century, the county experienced several smaller wildfires, and six devastating infernos, starting with the Hunters Fire in 2000. It was one of the most significant fires in the early […]

Mariposa Disaster Relief stands ready to assist

A group of local residents have established a charitable, non-profit foundation to provide funding for families that experience significant property loss following natural disaster in Mariposa County, such as the recent French Fire that razed four residential structures. According to chairperson Charli McCord, “Mariposa County Disaster Relief (MCDR) is a non-profit

Could PG&E’s patchwork road repair leave the county hanging out to dry?

Will taxpayers be left holding the bill? By R.D. Tucker Last summer, many Mariposa County residents traveling the local roadways endured Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) power line undergrounding project. The behemoth utility company, now the most expensive provider in the United States, is patting itself on the back with every media opportunity as well […]

Coast Hardware reaches another milestone – four decades in business

By R.D. Tucker“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” That statement is attributed to French novelist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr but is surely apropos in describing the occupants of 5028 Highway 140 in downtown Mariposa – the Dulcich family. In August, Coast Hardware Do-It-Best will celebrate its 40th anniversary, and in all of […]

To ‘better serve’ its customers DMV slashes office access

Perhaps you haven’t heard, but the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), in its onging dedication to serve the citizens of the state, has decided to reduce access to its office services at 20 of its offices. Back on June 3, the DMV issued the following information: To improve efficiency and to better serve the […]

ICES offers a solution to the burden of finding childcare

Contributed bySallee Gaines Lang Finding safe and qualified childcare in Mariposa County has been an ongoing issue for the area’s parents for years and years. But there is an agency in Mariposa County that is here to help – Infant/Child Enrichment Services (ICES). Parents in Mariposa County can go to the ICES office or call […]

California pushes insurers to cover more homes in these areas

By Levi SumagaysayReprinted fromCALMATTERS.ORG California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has unveiled an effort to force insurers to resume writing policies in high-fire-risk areas — part of an overall plan to address the state’s insurance crisis. It consists of three different ways insurers can meet minimum requirements for writing policies in areas deemed “high