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‘Plant-A-Row’ Program takesa bite out of local food insecurity

Contributed by Michele Nowak-Sharkey,UC Master Gardener of Mariposa County A total of 4,200+ pounds of produce were distributed during the spring/summer growing season to organizations that address food insecurity. This was done through the Plant-A-Row program run by the UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County.The Plant-A-Row program (PAR) functions as a liaison between

Lushmeadows Lights will ignite holiday spirits on Dec. 15

What if there was a sprawling subdivision in the foothills of the Sierra that embraced the traditional Christmas spirit by illuminating residences and sharing the holiday atmosphere with fellow members of Mariposa County? There is! Lushmeadows. The Lushmeadows Lights holiday home decorating contest has evolved into a treasured community event. This year the fourth annual

Matheson tosses his hat in the ring for assembly

Submitted by candidate On September 16, 2023, against the backdrop of Mariposa’s historic courthouse, Michael Matheson launched his campaign for State Assembly District 8. Born and raised in Mariposa, Michael Matheson has always considered his roots in this community as a guiding light, and he now stands ready to be a beacon of positive change […]

Is Google tweaking web searches

Research Council reveals evidence By Gabriela PariseauMedia Research CouncilNewsBusters Is Google shilling for Biden? It appears so, as its search engine once again buried Republican “presidential campaign websites.” Google’s search engine failed to produce even-handed results in multiple searches performed by MRC Free Speech America over the course of a week prior

Identity in peril

The point of America has been to forge a new “American” culture. Unless a common purpose bind us together, manufactured hostilities and forced lifestyles will drive us away. We have one of the richest nations on Earth and the world beats at the door to get in; yet we tear ourselves apart. In the past […]

Weather forecasters edging toward instant replay of last year’s weather

The National Weather Service (NWS) recently issued a statement which reads, “There’s a 95% chance of an El Niño occurring between December 2023 and February 2024. In addition, there’s a two-in-three chance it will be a ‘strong’ El Niño.”Last winter Mariposa County was pummeled by multiple rain storms, causing extensive flooding, demolishing bridges and washing […]

Suds are flowing smoothy now in cowboy beer booth

Thirsty fairgoers have been able to get their refreshing brews and tasty hard cider at the cowboy beer booth right across from the Strathearn Livestock Pavilion at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds for many years.The Mariposa Friends of the Fairgrounds Foundation (FOF) has been operating the cowboy beer booth since 2014. Along with the annual Sausage […]