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The Pride flag is gone. Library books are under review. It’s a new era of backlash politics in CaliforniaHow California conservatives are fighting back

Lacking power at the state level, conservatives are leaning into local governance to protest California’s progressive politics. The fight in Huntington Beach could be a harbinger of what’s to come. BY ALEXEI KOSEFFAUGUST 6, 2024 – Calmatters.com HUNTINGTON BEACH — The winds of change blew swiftly and relentlessly into this oceanside city in northern Orange County.

Add Chevron to the Growing list of Businesses Fleeing California

California’s regulatory environment is so hostile, it is nearly impossible to dig, drill, develop, mine, log, graze grow, or manufacture anything By Katy Grimes, August 3, 2024 8:21 am – CaliforniaGlobe.com California’s own Chevron Oil company is moving its headquarters to Houston, Texas from San Ramon, California, the latest big business to flee the Golden State.